Wednesday, February 17, 2010

#1 post 2-17-10

This is all new to me. I am not much about nothing. I love to dig through someone else's junk. I love to ,makeover old furniture pieces. I love to clean something up and make it look desireable. My entire house is used or second hand stuff. My workaholic husband (Dover) kid each other that we are even 2nd hand, due to both of us have been married before. But we will soon celebrate out 25th, we have 3 daughters; #1 Amanda Marie, 29 (from my 1st husband) but my husband claims her and he has raised her since she was 3, #2 Marilee Ann 23, is married to hunny bun, my favorite son-in-law (only s-i-l) #3 Sarabeth Plaster , 22,firefighter daughter,middle name is my maiden name. All my girls live on their own. Me and Dover are empty nesting, its not bad. The girls have always been my whole world. I have always been proud and focused 100% on them. I just wanted them to have everything that they needed growing up. My husband have always been the main bread winner of the family. We live on a small farm deep in the heart of Texas. Wouldn't want to be anywhere else. We both grew up in Dallas and had grandparents that lived here in Canton. Canton is the flea market captial of the US. I have grown up always talking about lst Monday (the flea market) and it is true you can find just about anything you want here on trades day weekend. And I might make this correction It is the Thurday, Friday, Saturday and Sundaybefore the 1st monday of the month. So sometimes it falls in the month going out. It's confusing, alot of people get it mixed up and come in to town and trades day was the weekend before. I work at a small antique mall in Canton and they usually come in and visit us because they are mad that they didn't realize it was the weekend before. I have plenty to talk about I just don't know if anyone wants to listen. Ha!ha! My giirls will get a kick out of this because they think Mama can't do anything like this without their help. And they are right I am not the brightest lite bulb in the package. But they all have a life of their own and now I have got to take baby steps to get back up and do what I want to do without any help and without troubling them. I do not want to become a burden!
Some of my hobbies are sewing, trying to quilt, cooking and being with my kids.